Sermons by Gateway Christian Center (NYC)
This is a podcast of sermons at Gateway Christian Center (GCC) with Founding Pastor, Dr. Sunny Philip, other church speakers and guests. This church is located in the NYC area at 502 N. Central Ave, Valley Stream, NY 11580. Pastor Sunny can be reached by email at, or by phone at (516) 596-7222 / 7223. The Church website is, Messages are cast to iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Overcast etc. for easy online or offline listening.
Sermons by Gateway Christian Center (NYC)
Living with a New Heart, Pastor Sunny Philip, 01/19/2020
01/19/2020 with Pastor Sunny Philip. The greatest miracle is to take someone from an unholy world, make them holy, and then put them back in the world expecting them to live differently. If you are growing spiritually, your personality must change and this can only happen if you maintain your new heart in Christ. Guard your heart with all diligence, working out your salvation with fear and trembling. Be a standard for the world to follow.
Gateway Christian Center
Sunday Services: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Address: 502 N. Central Ave, Valley Stream, NY 11580
Phone: (516) 596-7222 / 7223
Senior Pastor: Dr. Sunny Philip
Sermon Podcasts (Please subscribe):
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Pastor There are five gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, john, and you never forget that. You know what he was trying to say? Many people will never read Matthew. Many people will never read mark. Many people never read, Luke or john. But everyday a lot of people are reading you. A lot of people are reading you everywhere you go. People are reading you. In every situation. People are reading you. So your life is a gospel. People will automatically see Jesus Thank you for tuning in this week Christian Center, Senior Pastor New York City area, North Central Valley Stream. I'm just going to talk about the salvation experience. Now, we said the Sunday before last Sunday that when we come to Christ and we are becoming, we are like a newborn baby and we need to grow and and I shared a lot of things with you about how we can grow spiritually and what happens if you refuse to grow etc, etc. So, so today what we will do is Focus on 1.1 point all right. And that point is this. The Bible tells us that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation new creation and behold all the old things are passed away and everything has become new. So when you become a Christian what actually become new? I'm glad Jacob, Inaki bring his friends here. You're welcome to our service this morning. Okay. So when we become Christians, you know, what aspect of our life actually become new? Do you get taller? When you give your heart when you become a Christian? No. Do you? Can you can you use that instead of going for a diet in a becoming Christian? No, it doesn't. You don't get bigger, you don't get shorter. You don't get taller. You know? Nothing. Nothing changes outwardly. Like, you look the same. outwardly. So how can you say that you have become a new creation when you came to Christ? One because your heart changes the heart, the change that happens in your life is in your heart. Amen. Because that's what God always wanted. Our physical dimension stays the same, but our spiritual dimensions begin to change. And that change starts in our heart. And that's what God actually promise. We know the second part of the Bible. We call it the New Testament. And that notice the word New Testament actually comes from the Old Testament. Do you know that? Because one of the promises that God gave to Israel was about this new testament that is coming. And that promise is given in Jeremiah chapter 31, verses 33 and 34, where God told the altars on Israel that you know, I'm going to change your heart You have a stony heart, as Tony Hawk means you have a rebellious heart. You're not listening to what I am, what I'm saying. So God said, I'm going to change your heart. And I'm going to give you a heart of flesh. You know why God said that? And then and then God said, I'm going to write my, my commandments on the tablets of your heart. See, as soon as you hear the word tablets and commandments, you get an idea about what God was trying to say. Because how did the Jewish people originally get the low? Because God wrote the 10 commandments, on the tablets are stone with his own finger. And, and they had 1500 years to follow that, that 10 commandments and all the other ceremonial laws that God gave in the book of Deuteronomy, and Leviticus and Deuteronomy, but eventually they became called, The heart only became hardened, because you know why? Because when it just said money's good, you can do it without your heart getting involved. You know what I'm talking about? Do you know what I'm talking about? How many things that we do without our heart really getting involved in it? Hello. You guys know what I'm talking about? Right? Sometimes we do undo our job mechanically. You don't want to be there. You don't want to be at your workplace. But you know, you already called in too many days sick and you cannot afford to call another day sick. So somehow you just want to push the hours and get out of there. And your heart is nowhere in your work, but you still do it. Right. Are you there? Do you understand what I'm saying? Ma The same thing happens in religious circles. People go to temples we will go to church people go to malls and just go through the routine and and participate and the presence of physical presence is there. But the heart is not there. And God said a I didn't want a worship like that. Listen, we had To understand that God has no shortage of worship, okay, God has not shot at your worship, because that's the only thing that happens in heaven. He has millions of angels worshiping him all the time. He has guru beams moving down before him and worshiping. He has ravines, flying around his throne and worshipping Him. There is no shortage of worship in heaven. Amen. so tender somebody and say, Your Worship is not a substitute for everyone. Because we love each anyway, and they're the worship that is in heaven. Right in the bus, the best worship we offer is nowhere near the worship God gets in heaven every single day. Amen. Then why do we have to worship him? You know, why do you have to worship Him? Because God allows to live among his people. A man he loves to be with his people in Excel. The Book of Exodus. In fact, that's what I was preaching in India, about in that big meeting, about how we you know how God basis Khalid timbral among his people. That's what I was talking about. And and because govern God as more susceptible this tabernacle, there was only one reason not because not because God, Mr. Nothing. God said, I want to be among you. Amen. And the only way you can bring me among you is by worshiping you worshiping me. Amen. So if you really want to experience God, in this in that one service Sunday after Sunday, what do we have to do? We have to worship God. Amen. We have to open our mouth and praise Him. Amen. And we have to be in the presence of God. When worship is going on. We had to sing along with the worship team. Why? Because God inhabits the praises of his people. Allah Allah Yeah, hallelujah. So every time you open your mouth to worship, you are actually bringing the presence of God down. So, you know, we love to the services in interactive service. So we're going to turn to somebody again and talk to your neighbor and say, will you helped me to bring the person said God here? Because it has to be a collective effort. Amen. It has to be a collective effort. It will not happen if the worship team is worshiping here, and they're pouring out their heart and the rest of us are just onlookers. It does not happen. It has to be a collective effort. Amen. Hallelujah. So what did God say? I gave you an commandments that are written on the tablets of stone, and they give you 1500 years to follow that, in the end, you all ended up with cold hard, cold hearts. hardened hearts, and they all walked away from God. And God said, I'm not doing this anymore. I'm going to bring it into this era. And I'm going to start a new covenant in New Testament. Amen. Amen, where I will write the laws of God upon the hearts of people, so you know, where is the real place, that you how God's low as it is in this book still, but if it is, remains in this book, it's not enough. It has to be written in your heart. Amen. So So put your heart Put your hands on your heart. Can you feel God's law in your heart? God's law must be here It must be abiding here. Amen. With every pulse of your heart. It should be pulsating with God with God what God want with our lives. Amen. So God said, I'm not going to go I'm not going to ask you to follow the commandments. You know, just follow the commandments that written in the tablets of stone. It doesn't mean that God nullified it. The 10 commandments are still valid. But God realized that unless your heart change, you cannot follow the law of God. Amen. Hallelujah. That's why the Bible tells us that if any man be in Christ is a new creation, why does he become new? His heart becomes new, remain, because they so because before you came to Christ, you had a rebellious heart, you found every reason not to follow God not to follow Jesus not follow the commandment of God. But once you come to God and you begin a new creation, you fall in love with what God wants you to do. And you line up with the God's plan for your life. And you say, Here I am, Lord, use me. Amen. And we become a new creation. That's another figurative way. given to us in in the book of Galatians chapter four, verses 21 to 31. It talks about to Jerusalem's the jealous actually Jerusalem is represented as worship systems, their worship systems, because the old Jerusalem represent the Jerusalem temple that was there. So it was one worship system. And that worship system was based on the Old Testament low and the Old Testament teachings. And, and then he then he talks about the New Jerusalem, New Jerusalem is our worship system. Our worship system is not dependent on the tambour not dependent on what is going on here. Amen. It is entirely dependent on what is going on in our heart. Amen. And that's why Jesus said in john chapter four, my father does not seek people who worship on this mountain or that mountain. He was talking about the amount of Jerusalem and amount of garcin and he said, it doesn't matter whether you're tumbling on this mount This mount, it doesn't make any difference because both are just ceremonial worship. But my father, Sikhs who worship human. Come on, speak back to me. worship Him in truth and spirit spirit. Where does worship from truth in truth and Spirit come? It comes from your heart. It comes from your heart. Amen. Hallelujah. And I in the book in the book of Galatians, Paul says that one, one produce people who are in bondage, in bondage. Amen. Because they have, they were why they were called Brooklyn bondage because they had awareness that they were instilled in sin, they were living a life that is not pleasing with God, but they couldn't get out of that bondage. So Paul calls some people in bondage, and you know, what is the what is the beauty of Christian life, our bondage as a broker, Amen. Hallelujah. When we come to Christ, when we come to Christ and accept Jesus as our Savior, the first thing that happens in our lives is hour by hour. bondage is a blocker. That's why we signed earlier today. Amen. There is power. In the blood there is power in the blood, there is power in the blood for what? To break every chain to break every chain. Your chains can be broken today. Amen. And you can be set free today. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. So that is the New Testament worship. And that's a worship that that God seeks from us. And how Why? Why is that possible? Because our heart has become new. Amen. So turn to somebody and ask them, Do you have a new heart? Say this message the purpose of this message is to make us think amen to make us in a look into ourselves and see truthfully where we are in our Christian walk. A man going to accumulate to the next slide. Amen. So That progresses is not easy. It doesn't happen in one day. Remember my first message in the series, we say that everyone who come to Christ is like a newborn baby. And newborn baby does not become an adult in one day. It takes years of nurturing here is a continuous growth to become an adult, right? Yes, like that in our spiritual transformation. We have to go through different stages. Amen. Hallelujah. Go to the next slide please. You have to go through different stages Amen. And only then you become spiritually an adult usually I you I print out my notes but today I didn't have time to do that. Can you go to the next slide please? Okay, I don't think we have enough people here to help out with these things. Okay. Today okay. So in the in the in the Bible tells us because I I wanted that next slide to be up there because I can begin to give you a couple of bleak words. That's why again, so you Yeah, thank you. So can you read those verses up there? Amen. In the Bible, the Bible plus sense man in three conditions, three conditions. The first word is so Chico says he goes, let's learn a couple of Greek words. Okay? Okay, so Chico's Can you look at take a close look at that word doesn't as it sounds like psychology. In fact, the word psychology came from that word. Okay. So, so he goes means people of the senses, people have the sensors. They are called the natural man in Paul's writings for called them the natural man. That means that a person without any spiritual dimension in life, okay, all around us. There are millions of people. Well, no spiritual dimension at all in their lives. Right And just before I was leaving, I was reading, you know, an article in I forgot the magazine now. And they were saying that the the number of people who respond, you know, the next census is coming. This is Tony Tony. So next they are getting ready to take the next census. So there was surprised that in the previous census in 2010 there are a lot of people who live in America. You know, they're in census you're filling out a lot of questions. And they ask you about your religious affiliation. And they put one extra clause in they're saying no religion. They were surprised how many people responded by saying they have no religion. No religion. And and this particular art article was saying that many Christian leaders are concerned, especially in the mainline denominations, they're concerned When the 2020 census is taken, how many more people going to say, we have absolutely no religion. Still funny that Christianity has come full circle. Because when Paul wrote this book in Corinthians is well, we read that phrase and also in the book of Romans. So when he wrote that the Roman culture was a totally worldly culture, just like the American society now, or even worse. So many people had no real religion. They were just following the census. If you if it feels good, do it. That's that's the formula for the world. Right? That's the formula there. Push on our teenage boys and girls, if it feels good, do it. Don't worry what your mom says what your mother dad says what your past as they are the Chelsea, if it feels good, do it. When and it's amazing. And that's where the world was. 2000 years. ago when New Testament was written, because people were people of the senses, they didn't care about anything else, they just followed their sensory impulses, right. Now, the second group of people is called circles, circles. circle means flesh. So circles means people of the flesh, which means that people who are struggling, that's what it means spiritually. They plow who are struggling. So when you read the or see the word karma, man, in Bible, it does not mean that this man has no spiritual dimension. It means that this person is actually struggling spiritually, struggling spiritually. I will talk about that struggle in a in a minute. Okay. So that's the second stage. So you move from being a soldier goes to SRK cycles. That means you have some spiritual dimension by You are still struggling. You have your every day you have to make a decision. Am I is it it's okay to do this is it okay to do this? You know, am I you know you have to it takes a while to get past that stage where you know that your life is in line with the Word of God and nobody has to tell you anything. And and that's it's about that that first john says that nobody need to teach you because you grew spiritually so much already okay and the third one is called a new mighty cause new articles. New martyr The word numata means power power. Okay. And it's the same word that you use was spirit in the in the Greek language. So, numerology goes means people of the spirit or people who are power. So, I have references there Have you noticed that I have a references there in Ephesians chapter five. It talks about the spiritual power that we can all process. So when you become you know air pneumatic or That means you're walking in the Spirit. You're walking in the Spirit and we will cover all of this in the in the interview following weeks, okay? So today, just hang there for a second. Look at yourself and see where you are spiritually. what you would call yourself. Would you call yourself as sushi? Sushi goes sensoji goes. circles, say new mighty goes. So three Greek words that you will learn today. Okay? So g goes, circles and new mighty goes. So just for a second. Look at yourself. Where are you spiritually? Be honest with yourself. Just when you're sitting in a Full Gospel Church like gateway doesn't mean that you're fully there spiritually. I never think that way. I'm a really practical person. So let's be honest So where are we spiritually? Are we completely given our senses? Just following the sensory impulses? not thinking about anything else? No having no moral compass or a compass in your mind, and you just follow whatever you feel like? Or have you grown somewhat in the knowledge of God, and you know that you haven't reached there and you're struggling. You know you how carnal situations in your life comes up, it shows up in your life again and again. But at the same time, there's an opposing force in your mind that you know, the Spirit of God immediately deals with that, and help you to deal with that and overcome that. That's the that's the salco stage. Amen. And then we should move on and become the stage where we are adults in Christ. Amen. Spiritually, adults in Christ and we can say that we are spiritual people. I'm not going to ask For any show of hands, because that's not my purpose, but to prepare ourselves to move forward because what is our theme for this year, growing spiritually, Amen. Hallelujah. So it doesn't matter where you are today, you can make up your mind to move forward. You can make up your mind to grow in Christ hallelujah. So in order to do that, though, this is my main point today. You have to maintain the freshness of your heart. It's so important. Amen. The Bible tells us very, look at that. Go to the next slide, please look at what the Bible tells us. Proverbs chapter four, and verse 23. The Bible says, guard your heart with all diligence. For from it flow, springs of life. So you have to guard your heart. Amen. And look in Luke chapter six and verse 45. This is what Jesus said, but out of the ability abundance of heart, the mouth speaks. Again in Matthew chapter 12 and verse 35. Jesus said, a good man out of the good treasure always brings forth good things. Amen. So, your heart is the measuring, yeah. The measuring stick, amen. If your heart is filled with good things, what will come out? Good things will come out. So if the good things are not coming out all the time, what does that mean? That means your heart is thought filled with good things. Yes, understand. And that's why Proverbs says guard your heart. guard your heart, you have to maintain the freshness. freshness of your heart. Amen. Now, I'm going to I'm going to explain that to you a little more as we run forward. Next slide, please. It's not an easy thing to do though. Look at let me show you three examples are explained from three different points. First of all, Jesus, it was not easy. He says new, you don't automatically become a spiritual person. Are you with me? So Jesus told his disciples that I sent you out as lambs among words. Now, what is the difference between a lamb and a wolf? come and speak back to me? What is the difference between a lamb and lamb say, General creature, right? A wolf is ready to pounce on anything that comes across as bad. So Jesus said, I am sending you out as lamb among words. And, and then you have to be what are you going to be when you're among words? Words are you with me? Are you thinking with me? So when Jesus said I'm gonna send you as lamb among words, all of his followers were no lumps. I want you to understand that. Okay? They were there were two brothers, James and john. Okay. There were a couple, a couple of John's and a couple of James in disciples of Jesus. And you know what? They were called Sons of Thunder. Sons of Thunder, you know why? Because they were revolutionaries in that generation. You know, there was a Jewish movement to overthrow the Roman rule in Jerusalem and Judea. And they were, they were actually doing like modern day, words, maybe terrorism. And they were part of the terrorist group. They were trying to overthrow the Roman government. And then they came to know Jesus and said, became followers of Jesus. And when they became followers of Jesus, guess what happened to them, the walls became lumps. Are you with me? Amen. Jesus changed them. Jesus changed their heart and when they started following Jesus Right. And so, and then, if you look at, you know, Peter, Peter was a very cute timber man. Remember, in the garden that gets some money, somebody came in against Jesus and he pulled out his sword. In a second, he pulled out his sword that shows how much transformation he had so far. And these were the people that became followers of Jesus. They were not perfect people. Are you with me? But what did Jesus do? Jesus changed them. And then they said, Jesus told them, I am sending you out. Not the way you came him. I'm sending you out into the world Muslims, because you are no like lambs but I made you in the lambs. I changed you personality. Amen. I made you gender decent people. And you make sure you maintain Lamb nature when you're in the world. Wow. So, do you have a lamb mentality? Hello? Hello we are I know I'm talking practically. Do you have a lamb mentality? When somebody touches you, when somebody poke you is the right word. What comes out the lamb or the wolf? Thank you for being honest. Jesus said, Listen, once you come to me, you're all behold all the old things how passed away and all things have become new. So if all things have not become new in our lives yet, we are still sarki cause you're still struggling with our feet. Amen. Do you know that everyone has some some In a sports, you know, people if people touch you there, you may be 99%. Okay? But if if people touch you that one point, you know your real nature come out, right? And Jesus said, No, but that's what I want to see happen in you. If you say you are growing spiritually, your personality must change. And the only way your personality can change is by keeping your heart fresh. Amen. Keeping the newness of your heart, because the only thing that Jesus gave us when we came, became Christians is a new heart. And if you don't maintain the newness of that heart, we cannot go on growing spiritually. Amen. Hallelujah. Go to the next slide. Look what what Paul said about this. Paul also knew it was not Easy. And I'm going to take you to Philippians chapter two, okay? You can go home and read that chapter later. But everything I'm sharing is from that chapter. When, when, when, when we look at the book of Philippians, we we love that, right? Because the words that comes to our mind right away when the book of Philippians is what? rejoice in the Lord. Always. And I say, again, Rejoice in the Lord. So we think this is a book that's talking about only about joy. Now it's not. It's talking about a lot of issues in and maintaining your joy in the midst of those issues. Now, Apostle Paul tells us especially in Philippians, chapter two, you know, Bill, he tells his followers to work out your salvation. So work out your salvation. with fear and trembling with fear and trembling. Let's say that one more time, work out your salvation. fear and trembling. Listen, listen. Does that actually make sense? Doesn't the Bible say salvation is free? All we have to do is just believe. And God will accept us. Our name is written in the Lamb's book of life, then what is this business about working out our salvation? You know what my Apostle Paul was referring to exactly what I am sharing with you today. Because, yes, God accepted you the moment you said yes to Jesus. Or you said, I accept Jesus as my Savior. But remember, remember, you don't go to heaven, that moment. You have to live in this world for many more years after that. And when you live in this world, after that you have to live as a nucleation in this world. Are you with me? So somebody said like this, the greatest miracle in the world is not healing a sick person. The greatest miracle in the world is Although selecting a dead person, the greatest miracle in the world is to take someone from an unholy world and make that person holy and put him back in the unholy world and empower him to live a holy life. Can I may say that statement once again, the greatest miracle in the world is to take someone from an unholy world, which is all of us, and make us holy, by washing away the sins in our lives by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and forgive and receive forgiveness for our sins. And then God puts us back in that same filthy world, unholy world, but expect you to live differently. But you cannot do that. You cannot do that with your own strength. That's why it said work out your salvation with fear and trembling, because a lot of people who start out as Christians do not end up as Christians. Many people fall by the wayside. Why? Because God expects you to live as a new creation and grow continuously, amen. And the growth process is not easy growth process is not automatic. Amen. Look at this, this is this is returned to the people in our church. Look at Philippians chapter two and verse 15. what the Bible says children Oh God, good me Paul is saying that I want you to become children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as light in the world. So Paul was the pastor, first pastor, he was a founding pastor of the church. And he said, Hey, I led you to salvation. Not just to come and sing songs in the church, not to be good inside the church, but to shine as light in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. That's what he expected. I guess you can clap your hands and that what God expects from us. Amen. Hallelujah. So so we can we can measure ourselves where where we are, how far we are moving forward in our Christian walk again that same chapter. He said do all things without complaining and disputing you know, that book talks about two sisters. We're always fighting in a book that that looks like a book about joy but but you can see the two ladies by name, okay? And they were always fighting in that church. So Paul had to finally mentioned them indirectly in his letter and say, please do things without complaining all the time and without disputing them, let's get along. And if he cannot get along as a church, how are we going to shine a light in the world? Hello. Amen. Hallelujah. If the people inside the chairs are always fighting with each other, and complaining against each other, picking on each other How in the world is going to shine as lights in the in the world which is filled with a crooked and perverse generation? Because the world expect us to be different. Amen? How will you attend to somebody and say the world has begged you to be different? The world has no problem Listen to me, because many times we complain against the world, and we say, oh well hate Christians, bla bla bla bla, the real fact we want to know the real truth. The world respects true Christians. Because they are all looking for a standard to follow. The problem is that they don't see that standard in many people who call themselves Christians. So the best thing you can do at your workplace is to be a real Christian. The best thing you can do in your score is to be a real Christian. Amen. Yes, you can clap for that. You don't How to carry a Bible all the time. Amen. You know how to have an open Bible on your does to show that you are a Christian people will pick up. Amen. Why? Because your heart is different. And out of the heart, the mouth speak. Amen. And if you are a Christian in your heart, your mouth will testify that you are a Christian. Hallelujah. A good man out of the goodness of his heart will produce good things. The way you interact with others will tell other people that this man is different. This woman is different. When you go out of your way to help somebody The world will notice and they will realize that you have no reason to help that person. You are not expecting anything in return. You're not doing it for publicity. You're not doing it for PR work. You're doing it because your heart is different. Hallelujah. So the world is looking for people with a different type of heart. Hallelujah. Amen. When we maintain the freshness of heart that God gives us when we become a Christian, all you have to do is maintain it. But it's not easy. Because we live in a battlefield. I'm coming to that in a second. Amen. So, so but you're, you're to focus on that. Hallelujah. So if you as long as you keep your heart good, what will come out of your heart, good things will come out of your heart that will testify to the world that you are different from them. Amen. Hallelujah. I years ago, we used to have a Pakistani young man Muslim. He came from a Muslim background, I baptized him. And he used to always say this. On the he came and actually first time he came and asked me pastor, how many gospels are there? So I thought he is a new Christian, so probably he just didn't know how much gospels are in the Bible. But then I knew that then I realized that no, that was a trick question. He said a pastor, there are five Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, john, and you never forget that. Matthew, Mark, Luke, john, and you, you know what he was trying to say. Many people will never read Matthew. Many people will never read mark. Many people will never read Luke or john. But everyday, a lot of people are reading you. A lot of people are reading you everywhere you go. People are reading you. In every situation. People are reading you. So your boy life is a gospel. People will automatically see Jesus. Amen. Hallelujah. We give out we give out. We give out in a small I don't know They still do. But I know one of the most popular things to give out what the gospel of john when I was a young man, when we go for outreach, we used to give out gospel of john to a lot of people because, you know, that's one of the most tender rendition of the life of Jesus in the Bible. And people, a lot of people have come to Christ reading that book. But they may may be millions of people who will never open the Bible, even if you give them one. Amen. But they are always reading you. So, so you have to remember that I may be the only gospel that the people will read, and what will happen, if your life is in line with the gospel, they will come to Christ, or they will me. Hallelujah. So Jesus said, It's not easy, but I expect you to do it. Paul said, It's not easy, but I expect you to do it. Peter talks about the different problem that you face in your question growth. Right, go to the next slide, please. Peter talks about is, you know, you know your feet being challenged. You know, Jesus and Paul, were talking about our life being challenged, and practical like being challenged. But Peter is talking about our feet being challenged. Because from the first century itself, there are a lot of false teachers in the world. And the four teachers will come and confuse the people confuse the people. And then when people get confused, they don't know what to believe. They don't know. You know, hey, this person says this, this was this is this, this? This man said this on TV? This man said this on radio, what in the world I'm supposed to do? That's a genuine question. People sometimes confuse you. But in order to get out of the condition, remember the first message, keep drinking the pure on adulterated milk of the Word of God. The day you commit yourself to be a Christian, who reads the Bible regularly, nobody can corrupt your Faith, because Holy Spirit is here, and the Holy Spirit will lead you into all the truth. People can try to corrupt you. People can try to confuse you. But there will be not confusion for a child of God who reads the Bible regularly. Amen. Holy Spirit will lead you in all the truth. Amen. Hallelujah. And finally, the one more slide please go to the next slide. Okay, there are too many things, they assault on it, you can read it there. Okay. I just want to quickly summarize it for you. The Bible talks about three different battles that we had to face as Christians, three different areas of battles. Number one, the the battle against our flesh Galatians chapter five, and verse 17. There's a battle against our flesh. And that is a big problem for young people, especially when we live in a world like ours today, where the media is saturated with eroded images. I mean any magazine that comes to our house, we we I don't know how how I subscribed for this Men's Health and women's health you know, we are up in our ears getting up in our ear so I thought maybe they will have some some good things that we can follow to maintain our health. So as soon as the first issue came, my wife flipped to the pages and said please don't please cancel the subscription. What is it? What is the name of the book Men's Health and women sell your sale? It's innocent little thing that you're gonna get tips. Okay, they had some Dibs, but they had a lot more other stuff. Okay, and the images there was so.